so here is a little recap of all that god did yesterday. words can't really describe it. but you could feel that god was up to something. we wanted to hold a service in downtown austin that would be open to the entire city. we do not have enough room in our current worship venues to open up this invite. so god opened the door for us to worship him here. this was probably one of the biggest single worship gatherings in austin. this is not said to brag on us, but rather to see how god is working among this city. things are changing. greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done.
we had a kidstuff program for the easter service. we setup shop in two places, the cooley pavilion (ut basketball's practice facility) and in a few rooms inside the frank erwin center. here are a few pictures that i took before of the setup in the practice gyms. i didn't get any pictures of our rooms in the erwin center, but let me tell you we got creative.
kinder - 2nd grade met in the women's UT practice gym. |
2-5 year olds were in the men's practice gym. we had it divided into 3 sections. each section filled with stations. |
our 3rd-5th graders met in here. the TJ ford room. |
since i was going to be working during the service, i stayed saturday after setup to hear the soundcheck of the bands and the choirs. |
and here are a few pictures that i snagged of the interweb from inside the service.
thanks for your prayers. we are still praying for god to do greater things in this city and that he would renew and restore it for his glory! that austin would not be known for being liberal, weird, or whatever comes to your mind, but that it would be known as a city of worshipers.