Monday, October 5, 2009

respectable sins: unthankfulness

ever blown through a day, an afternoon, an hour, or moment without thanking god? me too, all the time. we are so arrogant aren't we? forgetting to acknowledge that god is all.

"how often do we give thanks for our salvation? have you stopped today to give thanks to god for delivering you from the domain of darkness and transferring you to the kingdom of his son? and if you have given thanks, was it in a mere nominal way, much like some people give thanks at a meal, or was it an expression of heartfelt gratitude for what god has done for you in christ?"
this is a flag that something is going on deeper. we think we are in control, we forget the gospel and what christ has done for us, we don't see our need for god, we are too busy to take time to thank him (therefore we are too arrogant to thank him), etc.

"most people acknowledge that everything we have comes from god, but how often do we stop to give thanks to him?"

bridges uses deuteronomy 8:11-18 to remind us that if we do not take time to thank and acknowledge god. when we forget to acknowledge god, we slowly begin to forget where our provision comes from and we start doubting or questioning whether or not god will indeed provide. this has been a major problem in my life. i struggle with anxiety because i do not take time to remember each little thing the Lord has provided for me.

okay, but can we give thanks in all circumstances? yes. bridges quotes paul in 1 thessalonians 5:8, saying "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you." he also quotes romans 8:28-39.
"In other words, paul is telling us that god intends all of our circumstances, both good and bad (but in the context paul has in mind, especially the bad ones), to be instruments of sanctification, of growing us more and more into the likeness of jesus."
do i believe that god is in control? do i trust his word? do i want his glory and fame more than what i want? if the answer to questions like these is yes, then even though we may be grieving, our spirit will be submitting in thankfulness, glad to be a part of his plan and to be rescued by the cross. even if we never understand why, we can know that he is greater and his sovereignty rules.

help my unbelief. when i cannot be thankful, i do not see or believe. help my unbelief. it is truly amazing how our perspective changes when we take time to thank him. we actually begin to see how he has been working all along.

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